- Director(s)
- Jean-Marc Vallée
- Country
- Canada (Québec)
- Year
- 2005
- Duration
- 129 minutes
- Language
- French
- Format

Free screening
In honour of Michel Côté (1950-2023)
December 25, 1960: Zachary Beaulieu comes into the world, fourth in a family of five boys. An ordinary suburban family with a loving mother and a dad who’s a bit gruff, but proud of his sons. The beginning of a beautiful childhood, where Christmases and birthdays follow one after the other to the ubiquitous solo of the elder Beaulieu singing Aznavour’s “Emmène-moi au bout de la terre”, with simple joys like washing the car in the fresh air, and trips to the snack-bar with Zac, his father’s favourite. But not for long, alas! That’s the lead-in to C.R.A.Z.Y., the story of a special little boy who grows into young manhood and ends up even denying his inner self to attract his father’s attention, . A portrait of a family that depicts how ordinary people strive to be happy in extraordinary ways.
- Director(s)
- Jean-Marc Vallée
- Country
- Canada (Québec)
- Year
- 2005
- Duration
- 129 minutes
- Language
- French
- Format